Southeast Greenway Project Update
The long process of reviewing maps, files, and title reports for the 47 parcels that make up the Greenway to ensure clean title and an accurate map for appraising the property is nearly over [...]
The long process of reviewing maps, files, and title reports for the 47 parcels that make up the Greenway to ensure clean title and an accurate map for appraising the property is nearly over [...]
Parks feed our minds and our spirits. We enjoy them while walking our dogs, lapping up some sun, relaxing on a bench, playing with our kids, and sharing picnics with friends and family [...]
In January 2021 the City of Santa Rosa made a big step in promoting bicycling and walking by hiring Bjorn Griepenburg as the Active Transport Planner. The position is the first in North Bay counties that is dedicated solely to bicycle and pedestrian planning [...]