City of Santa Rosa Hires Active Transport Planner

Photo courtesy of Argus Courier
In January 2021 the City of Santa Rosa made a big step in promoting bicycling and walking by hiring Bjorn Griepenburg as the Active Transport Planner. The position is the first in North Bay counties that is dedicated solely to bicycle and pedestrian planning. Bjorn is helping the city implement the projects and programs in its Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, updated in 2018. The trails planned for the Southeast Greenway are an integral part of the plan, connecting trails from the parks and towns to the east with central Santa Rosa and west county trails.
Bjorn has much experience in bicycling and pedestrian activities. Most recently he was the Policy & Planning Director of the Marin County Bicycle Coalition and has also worked as a transportation analyst for the City of San Francisco. Bjorn is a native of Petaluma and now lives in Santa Rosa. He bikes daily for transportation and is an avid runner. He met with members of the Campaign at the Greenway site to learn more about its potential for active transportation. He looks forward to using the Greenway to connect his favorite places to run and bike east and west of Santa Rosa.