Supporting Land Conservation Goals of Sonoma County Voters

We applaud our friends at Sonoma County Ag + Open Space for creating The Vital Lands Initiative,  a long-range comprehensive plan to prioritize their land conservation activities through 2031. This document reflects input from their many partners, stakeholders, and community members so that it represents the goals of Sonoma County voters. It uses the best available science and data to arrive at information and conclusions. Read more on the Sonoma County Ag + Open Space website.

The document includes the history of Ag + Open Space, land conservation, future goals and priorities, processes for identifying these priorities and implementation tools. We hope you will take the time to peruse this vision of our future. We honor the work that the District does and are grateful for the $1,000,000. matching grant they have awarded for the Greenway acquisition.

Additionally, we congratulate Misti Arias as she takes the reins as General Manager for this important organization. After 25 years with Ag + Open Space, she brings a wealth of knowledge to the job and was an early supporter of the Greenway.