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Water Management on the Greenway

Considering the changing climate, and specifically more extreme precipitation patterns, we need to rethink how to capture, direct, and dissipate water to best benefit our community and local ecology. The five- and 100-year rain events of the past—used as parameters for designing urban drainage system capacities—no longer fit changing weather patterns [...]

By |February 16th, 2022|Climate Resilience|

A Livable Future for our Kids

Speaking as a mother who has raised two sons in the Montgomery Village area, I believe the Greenway will prove positively transformational for families, allowing us to convert portions of our days that are currently stressful and unpleasant into moments of joy, connection, and health [...]

By |November 17th, 2021|Climate Resilience|

Meet Bjorn Griepenburg

In January 2021 the City of Santa Rosa made a big step in promoting bicycling and walking by hiring Bjorn Griepenburg as the Active Transport Planner. The position is the first in North Bay counties that is dedicated solely to bicycle and pedestrian planning [...]

By |November 17th, 2021|Greenway Partners|

Sonoma Vital Lands Initiative

We applaud our friends at Sonoma County Ag + Open Space for creating The Vital Lands Initiative, a long-range comprehensive plan to prioritize their land conservation activities through 2031. This document reflects input from their many partners, stakeholders, and community members so that it reflects the goals of Sonoma County voters [...]

By |October 23rd, 2021|New Parks/Land Acquisition|